Time spent with the setting sun….


I am a traveller, whether it’s my profession or leisure. More often then not, I find myself looking out of the window, to the wings of a plane, cutting through the sunset on the horizon. Every time it brought a different set of feelings, depending on what I have gone through or what news hit me then. At times, it marked a happy ending; sometimes, I couldn’t wait for it to turn dark (which meant, I am about to land)! Sometimes, I would keep pondering, as melancholy set in, bringing with it a mixed bag of thoughts & then, once in a blue moon, irrespective of the news, views, interactions or altercations, a beautiful sunset would ask me…. Why am I so silent?!

All these thoughts beget a page & here I am, storing it all away, only to be dumped at the alter of the next morning’s chaos! I was called upon, by this sunset, to pen….something I have been dreading, after a series of dark notes & a phase of challenges, when the penning was shut away for good! The narcissist within prods me to keep whining-on, with the stories I have been telling off-late, but, I knew, it’s a time gone by & falling for the same narrative, all over again, wouldn’t allow me to see the sunset for what it is…. Usherer of the next sunrise!

Then came the pause! What to write? You have been crying for long, enough to forget, the words that fall outside the ambit of sadness, dark cynicism, mistrust & paranoia. The pen sits on the paper but doesn’t move, because, the fingers holding it didn’t know any better than what they had done. The sunset, simply wouldn’t allow the old beaten rhyme! Life & the fingers had to change, the pen had to move differently than it did, but how?!

Irrespective of the shades of clouds, the colours surrounding the fading sun, the sky in its multiple hues; the sunset in all its richness had the one thing that enamoured all…. Simplicity! From the crayons in the kindergarten to the canvas of maestros, sunset allowed all to interpret it & still charmed just fine…. The colours are the richest & yet everyone could see it. So what did it say?

All the moments that made me who I am, have also brought me to this moment of admiration. Each sunset that I ignored, to the cause of life, have also brought me to this instance….where I am sitting in the company of the thoughts, surrounding me like the clouds passing by, kissing the fins! As I looked out in a trance to the last light of the day, I asked my thoughts, what they wanted. They didn’t have an answer, I looked back to the fading day.

Maybe, that’s where I needed to start, a simple look ahead to the beauty in front of me. The cause of life will reiterate its needs every day, but, how often do I take a break from the deeds to look up on the horizon? Probably, not in a long time! Isn’t life’s ’cause’ is to live in the lap of all the beauty encompassing our existence? Yes! Then, ‘what is the cause, I was talking about?’ asked the sunset. There, was no answer to that either! May be the hot cup of tea, giving me company, had something useful to say on this…. it didn’t! It was just warm & comforting. Is that the answer it wanted to share, I didn’t know! Back, amongst all this confusion, I looked at the sunset, it was still as beautiful, still exhorting its charm on me, without the prejudice of a winner it was by now. Maybe, the sunset didn’t care at all if it was the winner, it just simply wanted to keep charming….

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